Jyothi, the artist…

The Circle of Life

the earth series


the earth series

Bhoomi Devi

the earth series

Seeing The World

the earth series

Aliens In The Rain

the earth series

The Smog

the earth series

Everything Comes Together

the earth series

Angry Earth

the earth series

The Hand That Sees

the earth series

Sakshi Stone

earth series

Ganesha 1

Ganesha Series

Ganesha 2

Ganesha series

Shiva 1

Shiva series

Shiva 2

Shiva series

Shiva 3

Shiva Series

Sakshi Stone

earth series

Sri Sri

Guru series

Woman 1

woman series

Here I am

More than meets your Eye

Mother, Sister, Friend

I am that Timeless Beauty

I am Woman.

Woman 2

woman series


I am beautiful

More than these Jewels

That come alive on me

I am Woman

Woman 3

woman series

Do you know

I wonder

Of this Beautiful Me

Deeper than your mere Understanding

I am woman

Woman 4

woman series

Close from where I stand

One with these Spaces

In a world of Silence

That embraces me tightly

I am woman

Meet the Author


Contact Agent


Author event
